First Sunday of Lent

9 March 2025, Sunday, 5:30pm

Genesis Family Choir
Church of St Francis Xavier, Singapore

Entrance Hymn

Praise to The Lord

Verse 1
Praise to the Lord
The Almighty, the king of creation!
O my soul praise him
For he is your health and salvation!
Come all who hear:
Now to his altar draw near,
Joining in glad adoration
Verse 2
Praise to the Lord!
Who shall prosper our work and defend us;
Surely his goodness and mercy
Shall daily attend us.
Ponder anew
What the Almighty can do,
Who with his love will befriend us.
Verse 3
Praise to the Lord!
O let all that is in us adore him!
All that has life and breath
Come now with praises before him
Let the “Amen”
Sound from his people again,
Now as we worship before him!

Offertory Hymn

Soul of my Saviour

Verse 1
Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast;
Body of Christ, be thou my saving guest;
Blood of my Saviour, bathe me in thy tide;
Wash me with water flowing from his side.
Verse 2
Strength and protection may thy Passion be;
O Blessed Jesus, hear and answer me;
Deep in thy wounds, Lord, hide and shelter me;
So shall I never, never part from thee.
Verse 3
Hear me, Lord Jesus, listen as I pray;
"Lead me from night to never ending day.
Fill all the world with love and grace divine,
And glory, laud, and praise be ever thine."

Communion Hymn

This Bread that We Share

This bread that we share is the body of Christ,
this cup of blessing his blood.
We who come to this table
bring all our wounds to be healed.
When we love one another as Christ has loved us,
we become God's daughters and sons.
We become for each other the bread, the cup,
the presence of Christ revealed.
Verse 1
We who come to this table of hope,
come seeking strength for the journey.
Here alone are the weary refreshed,
the broken in spirit made whole.
This bread that we share is the body of Christ,
this cup of blessing his blood.
We who come to this table
bring all our wounds to be healed.
When we love one another as Christ has loved us,
we become God's daughters and sons.
We become for each other the bread, the cup,
the presence of Christ revealed.
Verse 2
We who come to this table of peace,
carry within us the promise:
truth and justice shall flow through the land
and righteousness fill ev'ry heart.
This bread that we share is the body of Christ,
this cup of blessing his blood.
We who come to this table
bring all our wounds to be healed.
When we love one another as Christ has loved us,
we become God's daughters and sons.
We become for each other the bread, the cup,
the presence of Christ revealed.
Verse 4
We who come to this table of love,
find here a Friend who is faithful.
Always present to us in our need,
the love of the Lord never fails!

Recessional Hymn

Lord, You Give the Great Commission

Verse 5
Lord, you bless with words assuring
“I am with you to the end”
Faith and hope and love restoring
May we serve as you intend
And, amid the cares that claim us
Hold in mind eternity
With the Spirit’s gifts empower us
For the work of ministry